PMCF Portal

Thank you for your interest in the PMCF Portal

One of the aims of the targoDoc PMCF portal is to provide medical device manufacturers and doctors with a web-based, user-friendly platform for the continuous, structured collection and evaluation of clinical data.

The automated analysis tool allows a comprehensive statistical evaluation of the most important parameters at the touch of a button in just a few seconds.


The PMCF-Tool <h3 class="headline_sub">The PMCF tool is:</h3>

  • <strong>Flexible</strong> (With the help of the configurator, we adapt your data collection to your individual products and wishes)
  • <strong>Comprehensive</strong> (Collect and secure the data for your products in one platform)
  • <strong>Efficient</strong> (statistics, graphs and tables at the touch of a button, so you can get the results quickly)

We have compiled further information for you for this section of the PMCF portal (structured data collection and evaluation).

Here you will find a summary of our PMCF tool:

(published online in Concept Ophthalmology on 24.07.2023)

Contact us for more information, a demo or a personalized quote:

Icon Telefon Telephone +49 (0)7251 32654 30
Icon Mail ma!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!il!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!@t!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!ar!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!go!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!me!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!d.!347-!NO_SPAM!-347!de
Icon Pin Amalienstraße 2, 76646 Bruchsal, Deutschland