Company management


Jochen Kandulla, targomed GmbH

Dr. Jochen Kandulla

has in his previous professional life as a scientist in the field of ophthalmology

  • studied medical physics and did his doctorate on non-invasive temperature measurements during retinal laser therapies;
  • has taken the path from science to industry to support the development of medical devices from a clinical perspective;
  • Many years working in clinical research and medical education & training, most recently as Head of Global Applications and Clinical Operations;
  • numerous approval studies and post-market studies planned in Europe, Asia and the USA with the main focus on medical devices in the refractive and cataract area;
  • Supported several product launches in Europe, Asia and the USA;
  • worked for several years as a consultant for well-known medical technology companies in the ophthalmology sector and thus expanded my wealth of experience;
  • all aspects of clinical research in ophthalmology, from the cornea to the sclera and lens to the retina; from the anterior to the posterior segment;
  • still have the same passion for medical devices and new procedures in ophthalmology that led me to enroll in a medical physics program 25 years ago.


Juergen Riffel, targomed GmbH

Dipl.-Kfm. Jürgen Riffel

has laid the foundation with a degree in economics at the University of Mannheim.

  • In 11 years he has gained a lot of experience in various positions in the pharmaceutical, medical devices and OTC sectors of the international health care industry; most recently as Director of Medical Devices and member of the German management board, responsible for marketing and sales.
  • The experience gained in 1999 was used to found a management consultancy for the medical sector
  • One year later with the founding of 3We GmbH - an agency specializing in marketing and advertising in the healthcare market - establishing a complete range of Internet services, classic advertising, film and animation for doctors, clinics, patients and industry.
  • ...and “on the side“ many years as a university lecturer in marketing and as a business angel.


Logo targomed Gmbh

targomed Gmbh

The desire to offer a complete range of services in the medical-scientific field and to develop additional synergies in the areas of event management, medical writing and medical studies led to the founding of targomed GmbH in 2010. Today, targomed® and targoEvent® are successful partner companies. They offer a complementary range of services relating to the healthcare market, scientific exchange as well as the content-related and holistic organization of on-site events, training, CME certification, speaker/participant management and much more.